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You searched for 'ir35'. There were 1679 results in 7 categoriesOnly the first 250 are shown.


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Contractor Calculators
Calculate taxes and net pay. Compare rates. Calculate your financial profile.
�hrough to comparing contract rates and effects of IR35. In addition to the calculators listed below you�

Category: Calculators

Calculators for Personal and Corporate Taxation
PAYE Calculator. NI Calculator. Corporation Tax Calculator. And many more.
�hrough to comparing contract rates and effects of IR35. In addition to the calculators listed below you�

Category: Calculators

All Calculators
Tax calculators for contractors and permanent employees. Over 30 calculators to help you work out net income and taxes.
�hrough to comparing contract rates and effects of IR35. In addition to the calculators listed below you�

Category: Calculators

Large selection of calculators for both contractors and permanent employees.
�hrough to comparing contract rates and effects of IR35. In addition to the calculators listed below you�

Category: Calculators

Calculators for Small Business
Limited Company Calculator. Calculate Corporation Tax. Calculate VAT.
�hrough to comparing contract rates and effects of IR35. In addition to the calculators listed below you�

Category: Calculators

Contracting Calculator - Inside IR35
Net income if you are caught by IR35?
�Contracting Calculator - Inside IR35 Net income if you are caught by IR35?�

Category: Calculators

Contracting Calculator - Outside IR35
Net income if you are outside IR35
�Contracting Calculator - Outside IR35 Net income if you are outside IR35

Category: Calculators

IR35 Calculator
Determine how much IR35 costs you?
IR35 Calculator Determine how much IR35 costs you?�

Category: Calculators

IR35 Taxes Calculator
How much extra tax will you pay under IR35?
IR35 Taxes Calculator How much extra tax will you pay�

Category: Calculators

Off-Payroll (IR35) Calculator
Use this calculator to assess the impact that the Off-Payroll (IR35) legislation has on your net income.
�Off-Payroll (IR35) Calculator Use this calculator to assess the imp�

Category: Calculators

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