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Contractor Doctor Q+A: Page 6

Contractor Doctor:My agent is refusing to amend my contract – what are my options?
Agencies are often reluctant to change standard contracts as they see this as an unnecessary cost. However, contractors do have options.

Contractor Doctor: client and I disagree over my contract end date – who is right?
Contractual terms are disputed, but contractors who effectively manage their paperwork have no cause for concern, says Roger Sinclair of Egos.

Contractor Doctor: Can my client have a different termination period to me?
What goes in a contractor’s contract is all up for negotiation between them and the client and sometimes the termination clause can be different.

Contractor Doctor: Can my client force me to work fewer hours than my contract says?
Is the client in breach of contract by forcing a contractor to take time off? It depends on the contract’s small print, says Roger Sinclair of Egos.

Contractor Doctor: Can I claim maternity pay benefits from my umbrella company?
Contractors who meet the qualification criteria can claim a range of maternity benefits from their umbrella company, explains Derek Kelly of Parasol.

Contractor Doctor: Can an agency sue me because I went to the client direct?
Contractors can tread a fine line in their relationship with agencies and are not always in the right, as Roger Sinclair of Egos explains.

Contractor Doctor: My agency has stitched me up – what can I do?
Agents are out to get the best deal for themselves. So are contractors, who must take steps to make sure bad things don’t happen to good contractors.

Contractor Doctor: Do I have to pay tax and NI on my minimum wage earnings?
Contractors who work through umbrella companies have to pay some tax and NI on minimum wage earnings, as Derek Kelly of Parasol explains.

Contractor Doctor: I’m 3 weeks into a new contract with no pay – what should I do?
Contractors experiencing payment problems can take formal action, but it’s best to discuss the problem with the agency and client first.

Contractor Doctor: Can my client replace me with cheap labour from outside the EU?
Clients looking for cost savings can be tempted to terminate local contractors for cheap imports from outside the EU, but it often costs more.

Contractor Doctor: What are Schedule E expenses?
Contractors can claim Schedule E expenses via their umbrella company or contracting limited company to reduce the amount of tax and NICs they pay.

Can my umbrella and agency change my payment terms without my agreement?
Contractors are safe from mid-term contract changes, but renewals can be used by all sides to improve their position, says Roger Sinclair of Egos.

Can a recruitment agency force contractors to use its affiliated umbrella company?
Agencies sometimes try to insist on contractors using their recommended umbrella companies, but not always in the interest of their contractors.

Contractor Doctor: Can I give myself a tax-free long service award?
Contracting and contractors have been around for a few decades now. Does this mean contractors may pay themselves tax-free awards for long service?

Contractor Doctor: Does contracting for different clients at the same location affect the 24 month rule?
Contractors can change clients at the same location and ‘reset’ their 24 month rule expenses status, but only under certain conditions.

Contractor Doctor: I am being harassed by a client’s employee – what are my rights?
Contractors have no employment rights but, according to David Royden of Laytons Solicitors, the do have the right to a healthy and safe workplace.

Contractor doctor: if the client requests me personally, am I caught by IR35?
Many contractors who are the leaders in their field find themselves working for clients who will accept no substitutes. But this does not mean that the contractor is caught.

Contractor doctor: can I claim expenses for buying a second home closer to my client?
Many contractors spend time away from home in a rented flat to be closer to their clients. Rental costs can be claimed but when you buy a second property, it is more complicated.

Contractor doctor: can clients withhold payment over disputes about equipment not returned?
Clients do have the right to claim compensation from contractors who lose equipment but, as David Royden of Laytons Solicitors explains, they cannot withhold payment.

Contractor doctor: can I claim for pre-incorporation personal expenses?
When first starting out, contractors often find that the paperwork takes time to catch up. Barry Roback, of JSA Group, explains what personal expenses contractors can claim if starting work before incorporating their company.

Contractor doctor: can I claim training expenses for an open university course?
Contractors can claim for training under some circumstances, but many types of training and skills development are excluded by HMRC, explains accountancy expert David Colom.

Contractor doctor: how do umbrellas calculate contractors’ national insurance
When contracting inside, employer's National Insurance contributions are calculated on the gross income billed to the client.

Contractor doctor: does charging expenses to your client affect your IR35 position?
Legitmate business expenses can be recharged to clients without affecting status as long as some simple guidelines are followed.

Contractor doctor: can my client force a rate reduction during the contract?
This client is trying to change the contractors rate on a contract that is already in force. They have no legal right to do this, and contractors shouldn't stand for it.

Contractor doctor: does IR35 apply for very short contracts?
It applies to all contracts irrespective of the time period that they run.

Contractor doctor: what is an acceptable agency margin?
What is an acceptable margin, how it is calculated, and should you even negotiate it?

Contractor doctor: does contracting on stand-by put me inside IR35?
Accepting a retainer payment for stand-by status has nothing to do with employment status.

Contractor doctor: how should I handle contracting for short periods of a few days?
What's the best way to handle contracting when you work one day at one company, two days at another--and in general you work under verbal agreements for very short terms? A limited company is still the best bet.

Contractor doctor: can the agency hold my payments for ransom?
Can the agency hold your payment in an effort to bargain with you? The short answer is: definitely and absolutely not. Also, restrictive covenants can never last for an indefinite period.

Contractor doctor: how does contract work compare with permanent work?
Do contractors get stuck with the unattractive work?

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